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N150 Full Kit

N150 Full Kit


N150 (150 gals / 660 l) Full Kit.

For use with both Marine and Freshwater Aquariums.

For 0 - 50ppm nitrate systems

Combined together, the Nitrate and ph booster is a perfect combination keeping the biological and chemical levels in balance. With the slow feed going through Nitrate (Sulphur chamber), then on into the ph booster (calcium) chamber. This kit improves both better water quality .. reduces nitrates (if not completely) and stable Alkalinity within your aquarium.


These reactors can be situated in a Cabinet, In Sump Or Free Standing.


N150 Kit Consists Of :

N150 Reactor, Nitrate Media, Calcium Media, Tee piece, 2 metres of Piping and Control Valve.

Please state size of Tee piece required ie 10mm, 13mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm or 40mm when ordering the N150.

The Tee Piece allows you to 'cut' into the out going pipe of any existing pump (return pump being the favoured method )... and as these reactors are drip fed, there will be no or little interference with the running of the existing pump ... so you can use your external, return or a power head to run.


The Kit contains everything for need to get going.

Can Also Be Used With A Dosing Pump.


The Nitrate (yellow) media will last from 2-4 yrs ... and the calcium media will last around 12mths before requiring topping up.


Dimensions :

Height: 400mm
Base footprint: 130 x 130 mm
Column Dia: 90mm

  • Instructions

    1. Unscrew the wings nuts and screws and lift lid gently and remove lid.

    2. Place the yellow media on bottom blue sponge.

    3. Push ‘O’ ring and then the white disk approx. ½ way down the central downpipe and push sponge on top.

    4. Place calcium media on top of the blue sponge.

    5. Refit the lid carefully and gently tighten screws. Do not over tighten as this will damage screws and may cause unwanted leaks from the gasket. A gently pressure on the gasket is required.

    4. Screw pvc union into position on lid.


    Set up:


    • Fit Tee Piece to required supply pump outlet.
    • Connect the Airline from the Tee Piece to Central inlet hose of nitrate reactor.
    • Fit the piping to pvc outlet and feed to the Aquarium or Sump. Fit control valve.
    • Add power to pump and open exit valve till 1 drip per 3 seconds is achieved.


    Drip Rate flow:


    Allow 1 drip per 3 seconds till nitrate level reads 5ppm through the reactor; this will usually take 1-2 weeks to complete. Increase flow to reactor to 1 drip per 2 seconds for a further 1-2 weeks or when the nitrate level again read near 0ppm.

    Increase to 1 drip per second for 1-2 weeks or when the nitrate reads 5ppm and so on.

    Following this basis continue to increase the flow rate to its maximum flow of approx. 4 litres per hour or where the nitrate levels cease to drop.




    1. A Pre filter is recommended. This will collect and stop detritus from entering the reactor, spoiling the efficiency of the Nitrate reactor.

    2. The Nitrate reactor may produce nitrates for the initial set up period. We recommend you run the effluent from the reactor into a container rather than run into your system until the reactor begins to mature, as nitrates may run high during this period

    3. Vertical Position of Reactor is required.

    4. Check the ph coming from the reactor periodically. If ph is running low, extra buffering maybe required. Run the effluent over coral sand etc to higher ph before entering the aquarium.



    The unit can take from 7-10 days up to a number of weeks to commission and as this is a natural biological process it can not be rushed. When the temperature is low, near 17 C and if the nitrate is below 25 mg/l it may take longer to start working. At higher temperatures the bacterial growth rate will increase considerably.


    It is possible ultimately to increase the flow rate to 10 litres per hour. We recommend as the flow increases that you wait four days with near zero reading before moving on.


    It is possible under the right conditions to further increase the performance of the Nitrate NO3 filter up to a maximum output of 15 litres per hour when there is a high concentration of Nitrate NO3 in the water. The Nitrate will fall but it will take a little longer and will require less buffering.


    Buffering: The water leaving Nitrate media has a very low PH, approximately 6 to 6.5, or lower in fresh water. This water passes through the calcium based media to raise the PH before entering the aquarium, as well as adding calcium and minerals in the process, so working as a calcium reactor would.


    If you exceed at any time the maximum flow rate until the bacterial colony can deal with it then you will add oxygen, raise the redox and the system will crash requiring you to start again.

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