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View the NPF300 running at


Can be used either free standing or in-sump.

Everything you need to get going .. well .. just add the Bio-Pellets


NPF300 Kit Consists Of :

NPF300 Reactor, Newjet 3500 (works with both 110/120 volt/60 hertz and 220/240 volt/50 hertz systems), Control Valves and 4 metres of 12mm piping.


Maximum Output Flow (1500mls of media): 1000lph

Recommended Capacity: 1500mls

Max. Capacity: 3000mls (dependent of media used)



Height:    450 

Footprint: 220 x 300  

Column:    150

  • Instructions

    1. Fill NPF reactor with Bio pellets/ pearls media to desired level… no need to open the reactor… pour the media through the PVC union. Now fill the reactor with water, once full to the union lip. Refit the union and tighten.

    The reactor has been pressure tested so no need to tighten any nuts.

    2. Fit tubing to inlet… the hose on the off-set 90o elbow.

    3. Then run the piping to the aquarium/ sump where water is going to be 'drawn to the reactor and place in water. And cut to length.

    4. Then fit tubing to the outlet of the reactor… this one is the hose situated just below the PVC Control Valve.

    5. Place 12mm Control Valve on the outlet hose and run hose to the inlet or close to the inlet of a protein skimmer.

    6. Place 6mm control valves to the de-gas chambers... situated on the top uppermost hoses.

    7. Close outlet valve and suck remaining air from the reactor by means of the ‘de-gas’ chambers. The degas chamber is situated on the upper most fittings.

    8. Close degas control valves when all of the remaining air in the reactor is gone.

    9. Add power to pump.

    10. Adjust PVC ball valve to allow required flow and allow effluent to run to the inlet of a skimmer. The skimmer is needed to remove heavy matter produced by the bio pellets and allow re-oxygenation of the water.

    12. Open exit valve slowly till you get required flow is achieved


    The PVC Valve may require the valve to be slightly closed. This is to add back pressure, so that the water will drawn and push water from the reactor.


    For high nitrates or phosphates run near fully open and test the effluent over the first week to acquire whether flow rate is removing the nitrate and phosphate. Once the phosphate and nitrate are within acceptable levels reduce flow and test once more within the week and adjust flow once more to match levels.


    If the readings are low set a flow of 3 drips per seconds. Test the effluent over the first week to acquire whether flow rate is removing the nitrate and phosphate. If the reading are lower than previously leave flow as it is. If the reading are the same or higher, increase flow to a steady trickle and test once more within the week and so on.






    1. A Pre filter is recommended. This will collect and stop detritus from entering the reactor, spoiling the efficiency of the bio pellet reactor.

    2. Vertical Position of Reactor is required.

    3. The reactor can be sited in sump or free standing.

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