The kits are safe for both Marine and Freshwater aquariums.
Nitrate Reactor N1000 are suitable for aquariums up to 1000 Gallons / 4400 litres.
This recirculating Nitrate Reactor by Cleartides comes complete with two media's and pump to keep the media turning over and allowing this unit to be one of the must efficient Nitrate reactors on the market.
This kit doesn't require any additional pump supplies ... water is draw and exits the reactor through the use of the pump supplied. It is recommended though to run a 500lph supply pump to stablise to the exiting water flow in some cases.
Running this N1000 will not only decrease nitrates (if not eradicate nitrates) within your system, will also add Minerals and calcium into your system through the dissolving of the calcium.The N1000 reactor chamber is fitted with a removable white pvc sleeve.
N1000 Kit Consists Of :
N1000 Reactor, Newjet 1700 (works with both 110v/120 volt/60 hertz and 220v/ 240volts/50 hertz systems), Nitrate Media x 3l, Calcium Media x 3l, Control Valve x 3, Ph Port, Sponges x 3, Media Divider and 4 metres of 6mm piping.
The Nitrate (yellow) media will last from 2-4 yrs ... and the calcium will last around 12mths before requiring topping up.
Height: 650
Footprint: 220 x 300
Column Dia: 150
Set up:
Wash Media’s
1. Fill Nitrate reactor with Nitrate media (yellow beads)… placing the media on the bottom sponge.
2. Push ‘O’ ring onto the downpipe... till 10 -20mm above the nitrate media. Then push media tray onto the 'O' ring., then add the blue sponge.
Next fill reactor with calcium media, then add the final blue sponge and add the media tray above it.
Fill reactor with aquarium water.
Reseal lid... do not over tighten screws as this will cause the treads to stretch.
3. Fit tubing to inlet (Far right elbow)
4. Then run the rest of the piping to the aquarium/ sump and placing in the water where water is going to be 'drawn to the reactor. And cut to length.
5. Then fit tubing to the outlet of the reactor (top centre hosetail).
6. Place Control Valve on the outlet and run outlet of reactor back to aquarium/ sump. Making sure the outlet piping sits approx. 30mm above the aquarium/ sump water. This aids the pump to draw in water.
6a. Place Control Valve on degas chamber hose (top offset hosetail).
7. Suck remaining air from the reactor by means of the outlet hose and degas valve… once air has gone, close the both valves.
8. Add power to pump.
9. Open outlet valve slowly till you get a drip rate is achieved.
Residue air pockets maybe present in the reactor pipes, but this should dissipate overtime.
10. If the pump struggles to draw in water from the sump, then place the inlet piping in the aquarium above. This will allow the water to gravity feed the kit rather than the pump pulling the water in... this also gives a better stable flow rate throught the kit. Please read write up in notes on inlet and outlet piping set up.
11. Follow above flow rate instructions.
12. Check the ph coming from the reactor periodically. If ph is running low, extra buffering maybe required. Run the effluent over coral sand etc to higher ph before entering the aquarium
1. A Pre filter is recommended. This will collect and stop detritus from entering the reactor, spoiling the efficiency of the Nitrate reactor.
2. The Nitrate reactor may produce nitrates for the initial set up period. We recommend you run the effluent from the reactor into a container rather than run into your system until the reactor begins to mature.
3. Vertical Position of Reactor is required.
Recommended: Inlet and out piping set up.
Inlet Outlet
Cabinet : Aquarium to Aquarium
Sump : Aquarium to Sump
Instructions 2
Allow 1 drip per 3 seconds till nitrate level reads near 5ppm through the reactor, this will usually take 1-2 weeks to complete. Increase flow to reactor to 1 drip per 2 seconds for a further 1-2 weeks or when the nitrate level again read 5ppm. Increase to 1 drip per second for 1-2 weeks or when the nitrate reads 0ppm and so on.
Following this basis continue to increase the flow rate to its maximum flow of approx. 5 litres per hour or where the nitrate level ceases to drop